Dota 2 rpg custom game
Dota 2 rpg custom game

dota 2 rpg custom game

There are small amount of Tug of War and Tower Defence maps. Most popular maps in Dota 2 are maps with heroes. With comparison to Starcraft 2 it's alpha version, but people already created Vampirism, Gem TD, Angel Arena and many others RPG maps.

  • Dota 2 Workshop Tools just 2 years old and in active development.
  • May be some devs invented scripts protection, but i have not found it. Don't know how it works but in any case your map will be stolen on 100%. You can't open map with terrain, but some guys already written Source 2 Decompiler. All maps are saved on your disk Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\570, you can open map archive with GCFScape and extract all scripts/units. You can check all tools for dota 2 modding here. Programming environment is Sublimte with packages. There is Worldsmith which is created by community, but it's in active development.
  • No Editor for scripting and modifing abilities/units.
  • Panorama to create GUI, it's CSS based language and very easy to handle.
  • Units/Heroes can dynamically change abilities inside a game.
  • Warcraft 3 units data conversion to Dota 2.
  • Easy access to map description and basic instructions inside a game.
  • Official Overthrow have 5 maps, you can choose it when joining a game or creating a new one.

    dota 2 rpg custom game

  • You can change basic description/localization of your map without republishing, you can do it even on steam site.
  • You can change privacy of map without republishing it again.
  • Can't confirm server related storage for players, if anyone have this information, please post here.
  • (don't know what is it, may be highest rated map during day)
  • Dota 2 has voting for new maps to promote them.
  • Maps can be self hosted(I think you can create server bots as in Warcraft 3) and have dedicated Valve servers(if community votes for it).
  • Support up to 20 players in map.(may be even more, can't confirm).
  • Starcraft 2 is splitted on EU, AM, SEA, KR/TW.
  • Dota 2 players are on the same server.
  • You can see number of subscribers/rating votes.
  • You can see how much players playing in your map currently(sum of all active players in Dota 2).
  • Each map has forum, which is tied to your map.
  • Users can leave infinite comments on map.
  • You cand add youtube videos to description of map.
  • You can mark several persons as developers for your map.
  • Starcraft 2 Arcade is free only for players but not for developers, who want to publish a new map. Some of advantages and minuses of Dota 2 Workshop Tools vs Starcraft 2 Editor: Community Advantages

    Dota 2 rpg custom game