There are small amount of Tug of War and Tower Defence maps. Most popular maps in Dota 2 are maps with heroes. With comparison to Starcraft 2 it's alpha version, but people already created Vampirism, Gem TD, Angel Arena and many others RPG maps.
Dota 2 Workshop Tools just 2 years old and in active development. May be some devs invented scripts protection, but i have not found it. Don't know how it works but in any case your map will be stolen on 100%. You can't open map with terrain, but some guys already written Source 2 Decompiler. All maps are saved on your disk Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\570, you can open map archive with GCFScape and extract all scripts/units. You can check all tools for dota 2 modding here. Programming environment is Sublimte with packages. There is Worldsmith which is created by community, but it's in active development. No Editor for scripting and modifing abilities/units. Panorama to create GUI, it's CSS based language and very easy to handle. Units/Heroes can dynamically change abilities inside a game. Warcraft 3 units data conversion to Dota 2. Easy access to map description and basic instructions inside a game. Official Overthrow have 5 maps, you can choose it when joining a game or creating a new one.
You can change basic description/localization of your map without republishing, you can do it even on steam site. You can change privacy of map without republishing it again. Can't confirm server related storage for players, if anyone have this information, please post here. (don't know what is it, may be highest rated map during day) Dota 2 has voting for new maps to promote them. Maps can be self hosted(I think you can create server bots as in Warcraft 3) and have dedicated Valve servers(if community votes for it). Support up to 20 players in map.(may be even more, can't confirm). Starcraft 2 is splitted on EU, AM, SEA, KR/TW. Dota 2 players are on the same server. You can see number of subscribers/rating votes. You can see how much players playing in your map currently(sum of all active players in Dota 2). Each map has forum, which is tied to your map. Users can leave infinite comments on map. You cand add youtube videos to description of map. You can mark several persons as developers for your map. Starcraft 2 Arcade is free only for players but not for developers, who want to publish a new map. Some of advantages and minuses of Dota 2 Workshop Tools vs Starcraft 2 Editor: Community Advantages